John MacArthur On The “Watered Down” Gospel

Oh how I appreciate the straightforward presentation of the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ – and John MacArthur is one of God’s true soldiers.

In this brief sermon clip, MacArthur succinctly debunks the “wider mercy” or multiple paths to God heresy that permeates the apostate Roman Catholic Church (salvation through works) – and is gaining popularity in “mainstream” Christianity (thanks to Carlton “the Heretic” Pearson and Donnie Earl “Neph-Son” Paulk, among others).

John MacArthur on Catholicism and Billy Graham:

Enough said.

12 Responses to “John MacArthur On The “Watered Down” Gospel”

  1. 1 Jeanie Franklin August 19, 2008 at 5:08 pm

    I have been ipoding these messages. He does not mince any words and it’s scary to think about how this is playing out in churches. The Lordship of Christ is important. He is God’s messenger to the church and it needs to be heard!

  2. 2 lavrai August 20, 2008 at 10:13 am

    You know what’s really wrong with this position — that one doesn’t necessarily needs to know Jesus Christ in order to be saved? Rev. Graham’s belief that one can be a part of the Body of Christ without actually knowing Christ by name is dead wrong. Doesn’t the LORD say in the Holy Bible that there is no other means to Salvation, but through Jesus Christ? How are you saved if you don’t know the LORD?

    So, is Rev. Graham saying that when these folks die and go to heaven… they won’t even ‘recognize’ Jesus Christ? They’ll be meeting HIM for the very first time when they walk into heaven? Please.

    The LORD our GOD has made a plan and everyone must walk by this plan — Salvation through HIS Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ. When the LORD calls someone out of darkness, HE brings them into light, and HIS Son is that light. The Holy Spirit will educate and teach that newly-called person. The LORD our GOD will educate that person, either by sending someone to him/her, sending her/him some literature — the LORD gives HIS people knowledge… for how can we serve HIM while walking in darkness?

    Someone could be born in the jungle in the farthest part of the planet somewhere… and if the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY wills this person to know HIS Son, HE will most surely make a way. HE is the GOD of what seems impossible to us.

    This is sad. I didn’t know Rev. Graham believed and taught such things. What is the point then of his congregants even picking up a Holy Bible and calling on Jesus’ name… since he says you don’t really need to know our LORD and Savior by name (how dangerous!).

  3. 3 Jeanie Franklin August 20, 2008 at 2:52 pm

    Since I have been reading these blogs, I have learned so much! I did not know Dr. Graham believed this also. I have heard of this teaching and I really didn’t pay attention to it until now. With God all things are possible. Who else in the evagelical circles is teaching this?This is very dangerous!

  4. 4 speaking truth August 20, 2008 at 3:14 pm

    Jeanie – glory to God that you’ve found ministry out here in the blogosphere. Of course, these blog merely spark debate and drive you back to the Word of God, so always keep a bible handy when you’re reading my articles (and anyone else’s out there as well).

    This mass apostasy is widespread, yet subtle because it involves well-loved icons in the charismatic movement (TD Jakes, Joel Olsteen, Rick Warren, Billy Graham, Robert Schuler, etc.). If you really listen to the words that these men (and others) speak and line them up with what the bible clearly says, then you’ll see how far off base they really are – and how far some sheep will follow them to the ends of the earth.

    Now more than ever we need to be prepared for the tribulation and the return of our Lord. We must open our eyes and clearly identify what we see – and pray that the Lord’s will be done concerning all of these things.

  5. 5 Jeanie Franklin August 20, 2008 at 10:58 pm

    I have had my Bible handy at all times. Like the Bereans, I search the scriptures constantly. I just purchased John MacArthur’s updated book, The Gospel According To Jesus What Is Authentic Faith? What I have been reading is so informative. It’s good!He is also teaching about authentic faith and the true gospel of Jesus Christ. It has been an eye opener.

  6. 6 Kyle August 21, 2008 at 5:18 am

    I want everyone to read this slowly before you respond.

    Seeing Billy Graham is obviously an arminian lends itself to the deception he is spewing. Like any arminian he believes that there is in essence “some” goodness in mankind which therefore would allow people to be saved even if they had not heard the Gospel. First, Let me say this is heretical seeing that goodness (so-called) of mankind is fruitless when it comes to salvation and clearly denies the depravity of humankind. However, for what Billy Graham to say to be true he can’t truly even be an arminian. Remember, to the Arminian it is their decision to accept Christ to have salvation. The Buddhist, Muslim, or Hindu who never heard the Gospel yet lived as a good person (so-called) can’t by the Arminian definition be saved because he can’t accept something he never heard about. This is quite a paradox for this man of such great renown to say. He basically is contradicting his own Arminian Theology. However, it is Calvinism that makes the impossible possible. If God so willed it he can of himself make himself known to ANYONE he wishes. As the divine sovereign God he could actually save and give the true knowledge of Jesus even to someone who has not heard of Jesus. Now don’t get me wrong I have no knowledge of such. My point was that God and God alone saves. If he wills it he can make the unlearned isolated aborigine come to the knowledge of the cross if he so wills it. So in essence it is only Calvinism that can truly save the most lost and unknowledgeable come to the cross if He so wills it. For Billy Graham to say the same first denies his own theology of Arminianism. In essence the Arminian dances around the obvious and must make it all up.


  7. 7 MikeyA November 10, 2008 at 2:13 pm

    First, I’d like to agree that Armenians do not understand the true gospel. Have you ever heard an Arminian pastor doing expository preaching? They can’t. They will come upon Scripture that can only be explained via Calvinism.

    And Kyle I understand where you are coming from. However, ROMANS 10:14,15 clearly states that one cannot believe unless they hear, and they cannot hear if the Word is not preached, and the Word is not preached unless they are sent.

    Even though the sovereign God can do whatever He wills, He will still work within His own Word.

    With that said, us New Testamant believers are the means to God’s end. God’s will will be carried out through us. We will take and preach the glorious gospel message according to His call in our lives. Now that’s exciting!

    … MikeyA

  8. 8 Dan January 21, 2009 at 6:43 pm

    First of all I love John MacAurthur. But I do have a question concerning predestination. If certain people are predestined to be saved and others are not, but all mentally handicaped people who can not comprehend the gospel, and every baby that is aborted are automatically ushered into Heaven upon death (According to JM), does this mean that the handicaped and the aborted were predestined to never have a chance in life so that they may be saved.

    How would a Calvinist preach on that?
    (Just being a little facetious, please don’t take offense)

    • 9 speaking truth January 21, 2009 at 7:26 pm

      does this mean that the handicaped and the aborted were predestined to never have a chance in life so that they may be saved

      The simple answer to your question, Dan, is yes – the handicapped and the aborted were predestined to meet their fate, just as we all are and I’m not a Calvinist, BTW – just a reformed Christian – and I don’t take offense). The idea of predestination is a difficult one for many to grasp and accept, and I am working on a full post on the subject…so check back in.

  9. 10 MARCIE January 27, 2009 at 1:58 am

    to mikeyA

    It’s really true that we believers are God’s instruments in bringing the lost to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

  10. 11 MikeyA March 16, 2009 at 2:26 pm

    to Marcie …

    That’s right. Think of this. If the Gentiles could be saved without ever hearing the Gospel, then why did the apostle Paul go on 4 missionary journeys, risking his life every time he spoke? Answer. Because people only get saved by hearing the Word.

    I am blessed to be that part of God’s wonderful plan!

    … MikeyA

    • 12 speaking truth March 16, 2009 at 4:47 pm

      Marcie & MikeyA,

      We may not agree on the “fine print”, but we are essentially in alignment. I contend that the Holy Spirit moves upon the hearts of those who hear the clear Gospel truth being presented to them – and their response is under the direction of the Holy Spirit alone vs. a “decision” to “give their life to Christ”.

      Here’s an excellent exegesis of Romans 10:14-15 from Bob Deffingaugh that sums it all up for me, both of you, and (I suspect) Kyle:

      The Implications of a Universal Gospel

      Paul has said that even though God chooses those upon whom He will bestow the gift of salvation (chapter 9), men are responsible for their rejection of the gospel. So now we must go one step further. If the gospel is truly universal in scope, including both Jews and Gentiles, then it should be proclaimed universally. God is sovereign in the initiation and accomplishment of salvation, but man is responsible for its proclamation:

      How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good things!” (Romans 10:14, 15).

      In these two verses, we see both the duty and the beauty of those who herald the gospel. Men cannot believe in what they have not heard, and men cannot hear without a proclaimer. I am avoiding the word preacher simply because we have a ‘reversed collar’ stereotype of this word. Paul is speaking about anyone who shares the gospel, not just a ‘clergyman.’

      It is true that God has determined the ‘ends,’ so to speak. He has determined, sovereignly and without any obligation to anyone, the salvation of some. But this does not allow us to be slack in the proclamation of the gospel. People will not be saved without a human instrument. Did you get that? Men and women will not be saved apart from human effort. Why? Because God has decreed it thus. God is sovereign not only in decreeing the ends, but also in determining the means to those ends. And, my Christian friend, you and I, according to these verses, are God’s means to the salvation of men and women. Could God have saved men in some other way? Of course! But He didn’t purpose to do so. The implication of a universal scope for the gospel is a universal proclamation. Faith comes through hearing the proclaimed word of Christ (Romans 10:17). This is a subtle defense for Paul’s preaching to the Gentiles.

      So I hope that neither of you believed that I am advocating a “don’t evangelize – God’s elect will find Him on their own” philosophy, because I’m certainly not. The bottom line is that we are called to bring the Gospel message to every corner of the world. If we keep telling anyone and everyone about Christ (the REAL Christ and not this slot machine that some propose Him to be), then we are doing our job – the rest is in God’s hand.

      Thanks MikeyA, Marcie, and Kyle for such an important discussion.

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